Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Group progress.

We have been working on our story boards as a group, everyone gave their ideas and what they think will work well and we all thought about how we could adapt on our ideas, we came up with several ideas, and then we came to a final decisions which we might take into consideration whilst producing our production work. This was taken on our third meeting together as a group which was 17/12/12, and we've developed our ideas as a group from the first stage, as we changed our ideas and have moved onto the next stage which was planning our idea and scripting it and doing a storyboard based on that, we have come up with a script and storyline which we are going to use, and the storyboard which allows us to add onto our ideas and expand on it within the cinematography aspect.

Here is the work we produced as a group, everyone's ideas as a group were taken into consideration in order to build onto our production work, this is our draft storyboard, this will help us with the cinematography work, as we can see what types of shots we want to include and we are able to see the timings it may take to shoot, as we have a time limit we don't want to exceed it, so we need to make sure we are below the time and this roughly gives us an idea of where we are at, this is useful for us as a group as whilst shooting we can look back at this and see what we planned and how we have changed our ideas. 

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