Monday, 28 January 2013
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Audience profile
This is my audience profile for ill manors Ben Drew, I made this on photoshop and used many tools to help me make this, i've included a few logos which would relate to the type of audience whom would watch ill manors, such as people who watch e4, bbc three, and have adidas item clothing, mostly people whom also smoke are likely to watch this, it is mainly males whom would watch this who are part of gangs, their age would range from 18-30 year olds, and they would belong in C1, C2, D, E and would be strugglers and explorers. I chose to keep the background in black as it represents them best as gang members are mostly wearing black, the black creates a suspenseful atmosphere, I put the gangs in the corner and plan B's picture high above as that is who they listen to and follow, thats their idol. Also I put the institution's at the top as they are inspired by them and they are the main channels they would watch.
Sunday, 20 January 2013
Progress report
20/01/2013 - I've done all my tasks and uploaded the storyboard and script and also have received an email back from the town hall so our location is almost sorted. I've uploaded all the mise-en-scene work as well, which consists of characters, costume, lighting, location and props, I have added pictures near them to give an idea of what will be used within our production work.
- Tell sir about our final idea
- Try getting the location fixed
- Start our shooting ASAP!
Saturday, 19 January 2013
(scenes starts of with a dolly shot of the location this will commence for 10 seconds)
(Medium shot)
Ashwaria: I'm going to finish the work off by next week, really not bothered man! Want to come mine?
Rashmi: Yeah me too.. hey I really can't and now I have to go so I will catch you later (turning to go)
Ashwaria: okay then, whatevs
(Rashmi walks down the flight of stairs this is a long shot of her walking down, she is upset with her phone in her hand, texting someone. She get's out of the building and there consists of a fast shot of her walking past the shops, with her phone in her hand, we can see a close up of the suspicious someone texting her saying "Come and see me now or else". She's really worried)
*Sound Plays*
(Rashmi enters the train station this is an establishing shot of her being on the other side of the platform, and there is a fast shot of the train going past and she's not standing their anymore but is in the train show the train going past and Rashmi not being there anymore, suggesting she is already on the train. She comes out of the train station and receives a phone call from the person whom she was texting)
(Close-up of phone, we don't see the boy, just hear his voice)
Boy: Where are you? I have been waiting for 20 minutes now and you said you were coming!
(Medium shot)
Rashmi: I'm here.. (worried) I'm just around the corner
Boy: Hurry up or else
Rashmi: I will be there please don't do anything
(Rashmi sees him the audience are not entitled to do so instead, can only see the body-language and costume, this is an over the shoulder shot of the boy, so we are able to see Rashmis facial expressions, then it slowly goes into a long shot, showing the back of the boy)
(All the shots rewind and then an Extreme-close up of Rashmi's eye then zooming-out having a close up of her touching the locket she get's up then there's a mid-shot Rashmi's really worried)
Rashmi: Thank god it was only just a dream! I never want to meet him.. That guy... who did...... (cries)
(Clip ends with the cliff hanger)
(Medium shot)
Ashwaria: I'm going to finish the work off by next week, really not bothered man! Want to come mine?
Rashmi: Yeah me too.. hey I really can't and now I have to go so I will catch you later (turning to go)
Ashwaria: okay then, whatevs
(Rashmi walks down the flight of stairs this is a long shot of her walking down, she is upset with her phone in her hand, texting someone. She get's out of the building and there consists of a fast shot of her walking past the shops, with her phone in her hand, we can see a close up of the suspicious someone texting her saying "Come and see me now or else". She's really worried)
*Sound Plays*
(Rashmi enters the train station this is an establishing shot of her being on the other side of the platform, and there is a fast shot of the train going past and she's not standing their anymore but is in the train show the train going past and Rashmi not being there anymore, suggesting she is already on the train. She comes out of the train station and receives a phone call from the person whom she was texting)
(Close-up of phone, we don't see the boy, just hear his voice)
Boy: Where are you? I have been waiting for 20 minutes now and you said you were coming!
(Medium shot)
Rashmi: I'm here.. (worried) I'm just around the corner
Boy: Hurry up or else
Rashmi: I will be there please don't do anything
(Rashmi sees him the audience are not entitled to do so instead, can only see the body-language and costume, this is an over the shoulder shot of the boy, so we are able to see Rashmis facial expressions, then it slowly goes into a long shot, showing the back of the boy)
(All the shots rewind and then an Extreme-close up of Rashmi's eye then zooming-out having a close up of her touching the locket she get's up then there's a mid-shot Rashmi's really worried)
Rashmi: Thank god it was only just a dream! I never want to meet him.. That guy... who did...... (cries)
(Clip ends with the cliff hanger)
Camera shots
Establishing shot - this is a shot which includes the setting/location, and it is shot from far away, it could also be called an extreme long shot.
Long shot - This shot includes a full image of something, it would allow the audience to see someones full body language and movements. It could also be of a setting/location, which will allow the audience to gain more of an idea.
Mid shot - This is a shot of the characters waist and upwards, this allows the audience to see characters facial expressions a bit clearly, as well as their interaction with other characters, also we can still see some of their movements and gestures with their hands.
Close-up - This shot allows us to see the characters emotions and facial expressions really clearly, and it allows us to understand how they are feeling as it is a closer image, thus allowing us to feel empathy for the characters.
Extreme close-up - This is a closer image of the characters face or anything else, which creates an intense mood and atmosphere for the audience.
Progress report
19/01/2013 - I have done all my work which was needed to do, I've added onto my blog the mise-en-scene, casting, locations, lighting, props, costume and make-up. I've also e-mailed ealing town hall to ask for permission to shoot there for our production work, and also have finished the script and uploaded it, I've completed all the tasks that I needed to from the media macguffin blog, now all that left to do is upload the storyboard, which will be done before Monday 21st.
Action plan
- upload finished script
- upload story board
Action plan
- upload finished script
- upload story board
Casting - I will be the main actor within our production work and there will be a minor role played by Dupinder and Ashwaria. We want to keep the actors as minimum as possible, as otherwise it will cause a lot of hassle and will be al over the place, so having 3 characters will help there not being much problem, and also as we are all part of the production work we will give it all our best and will be dedicated and determine to do the work to perfection, whereas if it was someone else they may not be able to shoot on the days we prefer and would suit to.
Location - We are going to be shooting within either Ealing town hall or Wembley mandir for the first scene, which is where the girl will be saying bye to her friend and then walking down the flight of stairs in a rush which would create enigma for the audience, then the shops around the corner from either the town hall or mandir, which then leads onto the train station and then a phone call outside the train station and then Dupinders bedroom for when I wake up.
Lighting - We will be using natural lighting and key-lighting for the train scene to create realism when the scene commences, but we may also use low-key lighting there to create enigma and suspense for the audience, also as train stations are mostly dark it would be easier to create this effect. We will use high key lighting when I'm waking up to create a sense of realism and back to reality and a wake up hint, as that was all a dream.
Props - We will use minimum amount of props, we are only going to be using a rucksack, for myself when I am walking down the flight of stairs, this is to represent the fact that I have just done some work with my friends. Also I will be holding a blackberry which will be to text the person I am going to see and also pick up the phone call when I receive a phone call from the person.
Costume - I will be wearing casual clothing, blue skinny jeans and an jacket, this is because I'm a casual person and also I just finished a lecture as I am in uni, so I wouldn't be over dressed for an event like that, as it isn't a party. Ashwaria will be wearing casual clothing as well, jeans and a top, this is to emphasis on the type of people we are, as we are just school students so we wouldn't need to dress up a lot. Dupinder will be wearing black clothing so black hoody and joggers, this is because she is cross-dressing as a boy, and this is the best way to show a boy character, also because she is in black it could represent the power she may hold, sexuality, sophistication, formality, her fear or evilness, unhappiness or even anger, we will be showing only the back side of her, as we want the audience to remain in enigma of whom this character is and who is this character to the girl, also hoodies and joggers are clothing boys often wear.
Make-up - I will be wearing eye-line and light lipstick this is to show I am a mature girl, but there will be minimum make-up involved as it isn't a big event, she just went to university so not much make-up is needed, Ashwaria will be wearing eye-liner as well, to show she is a mature girl as well. Dupinder will be wearing pale foundation to make her look a bit scary as we will show a bit of her face from the side, and the front not being shown would make the audience wanting to know who it is but then it cuts from there.
As you can see I've asked to shoot within the town hall, I've told them details about me and what school I study at and also why I need to shoot there for my media production work. It is important to e-mail and ask for permission before just going there as we don't want to disturb anyone or create arguments with anyone or even get into any trouble.
As you can see, we have received a reply from the Ealing Town hall, so we are in with a chance of getting that location to shoot within, so from now on I have to make sure I keep a look out for my e-mails and make sure I reply on time. Now we've nearly got our location almost sorted, we are almost ready to shoot, as all have updated our blogs and done everything required.
Locations; research.
We will be shooting in either Ealing town hall or a mandir in wembley where they are big stairs, and show the girl walking down, we will decide this after we get a reply from ealing town hall, if we do get a reply we will shoot there if not the mandir, this is because I know the owners thus allowing us to shoot there only on the stairs. She will walk down them texting someone, and we zoom into a text, then we will walk down the streets and show the different places around then she goes to the train station and gets off and gets a phone call from someone whom isn't shown which would create enigma for the audience, as she will be conversating and we will hear his voice but don't see his face, then there is a blurry image of the guy and suddenly there is a black out and then a dissolve cut of her waking up, and it zooms out of her eye as it was a dream.

We will be shooting our train station scene over here, in southall train station just a quick fast shot of the train going past, and the girl going into the train from the other side, this is because this isn't a very busy train station so we won't have much distractions, and if we go early in the morning around 10ish it's not so busy, so it will be easier for us. Also as we get the effect we want from the shot, due to their being two platforms, so we will be allowed to film from the other side, which will mean we can capture the effect we are looking to get and it will therefore intrigue the audience into our production work.
Also another location we will be using is a bedroom, we will be shooting in a bedroom, where I will wake up from after the other events and therefore portraying it was all a bad dream, this will be a sense of me coming back to reality, there will be flashbacks and fast shots of what has occurred to make me recapture the moments, this will be shoot in Dupinders bedroom.
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