In the Ill Manors film trailer the codes and conventions consists of the basic things a trailer would include slogans, name of the stars, taglines, credit block - institution information like the directors name, production and studio involvement, release dates and the companies whom have funded the trailer and distributers of the film. Also the reviewers quotes with the ratings, and obviously the main stares and the title of the film. All this information is provided within the trailer of the movie as they want to give us information about the film, and this could thus encourage more people to watch this.
The trailers are distributed through the studio who produced. Revolver Entertainment, distributed the trailer Ill Manors, and as this company has distributed other successful trailers and movies such as Kidulthood and Anuvahood which were the box office hits and many of the audiences liked this, it meant Ill Manors would be successful.
Ill Manors uses trailer conventionsas they use big texts and non digetic music, the use of the fast shots keep the audience engaged and makes them not wanting to stop watching it, so their focus will remain on the film. There wasn't a narrative speech in the trailer as Plan B's song was played over, this would atract the people whom listen to plan B's music as they'd want to watch a film by him.
Ill Manors target audience are young adults and teenagers, this is due to the type of narrative this trailer had. Also the psychographis would be reformers and strugglers and the demographics from the age 16-34's, and also group D/E.The lighting and sound would be something that age group would prefer that, and also they are the ones whom would learn something from this kind of trailer, due to the fact their life is similar to that, in some way, or they may know people like that. The mise-en-scene used through the costume with the dark hoodies, connote a dominant representation, and a male dominance. So this film would teach them something and this would be mainly aimed at boys/men, but woman in a way as well, due to the violence happening to them, however the props used such as guns link to men.
Ill Manors has a selling point which appeals to the audience as they have a well known artist within that age group of 16-35 year olds would know about - Plan B. As his music is being played within the trailer, many teenagers and young adults would want to watch it and see what other roles he may have within the actual film.
The scenes which are edited together, has fast shots in order to create suspense and tension, as well as excitment for the audience, and also they would want to continue watching to find out where the narrative is leading to. The fast shots could connote the violence which will occur and how fast life goes on. The montage editing used is also effective, as it doesn't show the order the film is going to progress in, it is all random scenes put together, which creates engima for the audience as it confuses the audience so they would have to figure out by themselves the narrative of the film. Engima codes is used within the editing which is Barthes theory.
Within the trailer of Ill Manors you don't see the main stars which creates mystery for the audience, and as they would want to know who it is, they would go to watch it in order to find out who is acting within the film, also this creates engima for the audience which is Barthes theory, as they don't actually know who the main actors are.
There is information about the director of the film at the end of the trailer, it gives away all the information which is needed, which informs the audience of the directors name, this being at the end is beneficial as it would stay in their heads and as it is the last thing they see. The release date is also at the end of the trailer, which is beneficial for the audience as it is the last thing they see so it would stay in their head. Also the font of the release date is in white but it is bold, which stands out.
The genre of Ill Manors is Crime Drama, and the genre has been represented through the music, setting, lighting, characters, props, camera shots. The music is parallel to the film, and the lyrics compliment the action going on within the trailer. The setting of the trailer being in an estate, poor and rough area suggests their will be a lot of crime going on and bad things will occur. The lighting is low-key lighting which connotes that the film will consist of violence, which links in with the genre. Also the characters aren't well-known stars, and if it was well-known people then we wouldn't expect them to be doing such things, them being low profiled and us knowing nothing about them allow us to assume they are like that, however if it was a hollywood star we wouldn't expect them to star in a film as such of gangsters and drug dealers. The props being used such as gun connote there will be violence taking place within the film. The use of different camera shots such as close up's allow the audience to see the emotions of the characters, and how they are feeling, and the long shots allow us to see their body language, which show what kind of characters they are.
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